Jan 28, 2022
Teresa "the Music Medium" talks about how she came into her abilities through music lyrics, and how we all have spirit guides, access to angels, and intuitive abilities - we just need to trust the information we are receiving.
Jan 21, 2022
Jen interviews psychic/medium Nick Lodato about how he faced crippling anxiety before realizing he was highly intuitive. He talks about soul contracts, past lives, and how he communicates with the other side.
Jan 14, 2022
Author of three books about his own near death experience, Jeffrey Olsen talks about what he learned on the Other Side, and how he rebuilt his life after tragic loss by choosing joy through unconditional love and his deep faith.
Jan 7, 2022
Psychic/Medium Lisa Morrison talks with Jen about how she opened up her gifts after suffering from debilitating panic attacks when she was 27. Now she's clairaudient, clairvoyant and clairsentient, and hosts a weekly radio show giving free readings to help those who are overwhelmed with grief.